Biggest Challenge
and New Tools?

Technology is clearly driving the future of design, and increasingly, designing software is one of the most significant innovation and design challenges. Corporate leaders and senior managers agree, with nearly a quarter saying software-related challenges are their biggest innovation and design challenges today. Compared to hardware-related innovation and software challenges, only 9% of respondents said this was their most significant innovation and design challenge today. Software-related challenges fell just behind a combination of product and marketing-related challenges (31%), which took home the top spot as most organizations’ biggest challenge.

“AI will be used to expedite early-stage design and innovation processes.”

Software innovation and design challenges typically involve timelines, and nearly every organization is looking for solutions that can help them move faster from idea to design to coding and production to decrease their time to market.

That is one area business leaders will likely leverage AI. In fact, 49% believe AI will be used to expedite early-stage design and innovation processes. Overall, there isn’t as much fear from business leaders that AI will stagnate creativity within their organization. In fact, 47% believe it will improve the creativity of their organization, and only 11% say they think it could diminish the creativity of their organization.

When considering its impact on design teams, 50% of respondents anticipate that AI will supplement the work of their designers and innovators as they implement it across their organization. Still, nearly a third of business leaders (30%) said they think AI will replace junior or entry-level designers directly.

